
Founded on June 24, 1989, the 100 Black Men of South Florida, Inc. (the “100”), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is a group of men in business, industry, public affairs, government and the professions who share a common goal of improving the quality of life for African-Americans and other minorities through mentorship. The founding members of the 100 believed that they needed to take a leadership role in combating the plagues of illiteracy, professional stagnation, and political and economic disenfranchisement in our community. The 100 was formed to provide its members with a vehicle through which the requisite action could be taken to improve conditions within our community. To that end, we have developed several programs to address these concerns, including the Dr. Harold Guinyard Leadership Academy (DHGLA), Thanksgiving Food Drive, Christmas Shopping Spree, High School Summer Nursing & Health Sciences Academy, Middle School Summer Law Program, and Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Career Fair.